Pauline – 19 – Germany living in Ireland

“He is my Best friend. I love to share with him my entire life during good but also bad times”
Rebecca – 19, Student in Germany
“At 12 my parents’got separated. So my dad left. I had no father for 4 years: no talking. Then I went to a Christian concert where I heard Romans chapter 8 versus 31-33. It helped me to realize that during all those years I had a Father in Heaven but I just pushed him away. But Jesus made a way to be in contact with my Dad and my Human Dad ahah! He definitely changed my life!”

Noa - 17 - Sweden Student
" He did so much things for me. Even if I have this problem in my back since I was born, I know His love for me"

Edwar - 22 - studying German
"He chose me before I chose Him"

Nour - 23 - studying German
" He loves me First . I cannot live without my Father"

Clarisse – 17 ans, Etudiante.

“J’aime Jésus parce qu’il nous libère de nos fardeaux”

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Ceyron Louis

Le monde selon Ashley... Ashley se passionne davantage pour le monde qui l’entoure et ses frères humains que pour son propre petit nombril. C’est davantage son regard "lucide" sur le monde et la vie qu'Ashley pourrait communiquer en décidant d’écrire ses mémoires (ou son blog en l'occurence). Son Blog parlerait sans doute de son choix d’une vie simple, authentique. Celle d’une fine commentatrice du monde qui l’entoure, ouverte aux autres et même parfois un peu poète. Plus d'infos ici

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